The powers that be are of the opinion that the useless eaters emitt too much carbon dioxide and the world would be much better off if enough of them died - or were not born in the first place.
Take a look at The Breathing Earth, a particularly nasty little simulator.
More people DIE than are born: G-O-O-D.
More people born than DIE: B-A-A-D.
And, when people are born there is this termite-munching sound...
Antropogenic Global Warming is the latest vehicle being used by the Powers That Be (if you want to know who THEY are, just follow the money) to further their Malthusian population reduction agenda. AGW research is funded primarily by foundations, which in turn are funded by The Powers That Be.
From the George C. Marshall Institute:
"...According to his report, which he shared with National Journal, three philanthropic organizations -- the Energy Foundation, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation -- provided nearly $66.5 million in funding for climate-change research from 2000 to 2002. That's more than half of the $112.1 million in climate-change money that was passed out by the top 20 private foundations during the three-year period.
According to the report, most of the money went to groups that favor "restrictions on carbon dioxide emissions and believe that climate change requires dramatic government action."The top recipient was Strategies for the Global Environment, which is the umbrella organization for the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, an Arlington, Va.-based advocacy group. The foundations also heavily favored the Natural Resources Defense Council, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Environmental Defense..."
Top 20 Private Foundations
1. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (WA)
2. Lilly Endowment Inc. (IN)
3. The Ford Foundation (NY)
4. J. Paul Getty Trust (CA)
5. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (NJ)
6. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation (CA)
7. W. K. Kellogg Foundation (MI)
8. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation (CA)
9. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (NY)
10. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (IL)
11. The Pew Charitable Trusts (PA)
12. The Starr Foundation (NY)
13. The Annie E. Casey Foundation (MD)
14. The Rockefeller Foundation (NY)
15. The California Endowment (CA)
16. The Annenberg Foundation (PA)
17. The Kresge Foundation (MI)
18. Robert W. Woodruff Foundation, Inc. (GA)
19. Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (MI)
20. The Duke Endowment (NC)
The Impact of Population on CO2 Emissions: Evidence From European Countries
Abstract: This paper analyses the impact of population growth on CO2 emissions in European Union countries. Traditionally, researchers have assumed a unitary elasticity of emissions with respect to population growth. In this study population is treated as a predictor in the model, instead of being included as part of the dependent variable (per capita emissions), thus relaxing the above-mentioned assumption of unitary elasticity.
We also contribute to the existing literature by taking into account the presence of heterogeneity in the sample and considering a dynamic specification. The sample covers the period 1975- 1999 for the current European Union members.
Our results show that the impact of population growth on emissions is more than proportional for recent accession countries whereas for old EU members, the elasticity is lower than unity and non significant when the properties of the time series and the dynamics are correctly specified.
The different impact of population change on CO2 emissions for the current EU members should therefore be taken into account in future discussions of climate change policies within the EU.
Effects of population and affluence on CO2 emissions
ICBE CarbonDatabase CO2 by Population
The Optimum Population Trust: The crucial limit: Nine billion tonnes of carbon dioxide a year
Population control called key to deal
By Li Xing (China Daily)
"COPENHAGEN: Population and climate change are intertwined but the population issue has remained a blind spot when countries discuss ways to mitigate climate change and slow down global warming, according to Zhao Baige, vice-minister of National Population and Family Planning Commission of China (NPFPC) .
"Dealing with climate change is not simply an issue of CO2 emission reduction but a comprehensive challenge involving political, economic, social, cultural and ecological issues, and the population concern fits right into the picture," said Zhao, who is a member of the Chinese government delegation.
Many studies link population growth with emissions and the effect of climate change.
"Calculations of the contribution of population growth to emissions growth globally produce a consistent finding that most of past population growth has been responsible for between 40 per cent and 60 percent of emissions growth," so stated by the 2009 State of World Population, released earlier by the UN Population Fund.... "
The author:
ReplyDelete"Christians who don't care for the environment: Some Christians say that we needn't care for the planet, beacuse we're not pagans, so we don't worship nature, nor do we believe that the Earth is our Mother. It's true that Earth isn't our Mother; our true Parent is much greater than this mere planet, and so our devotion should extend far beyond that of just Earth. [b]I believe, however, that the appropriate Christian perception of the planet is that it is something like an Older Sister to us: a creature like us, and one that we should learn from, respect, enjoy, and care for.[/b] And, frankly, when I hear of Christians who have an open disdain for environmentalism, it resembles to me a boy who tells his father every day that he loves him, yet regularly beats (or worse) his sister, right in front of him."